May.13.2024 @ 6:30pm
Residents of Cranberry Portage
If you were evacuated to The Pas and wish to go to Flin Flon for the duration of the state of emergency (note: we’re still not sure how long it will be), on May 14th, between 10:30 a.m. and 12 Noon, you can register at Wescana for a one-time escort THROUGH the community of Cranberry Portage to Flin Flon.
The escort will leave the blockade south of Cranberry @ 2:00 pm.
If you are NOT registered, you will NOT be allowed through.
If you are not in line by 2:00 pm when the escort leaves, you will NOT be allowed through.
No one will be allowed to leave the highway, and you MUST follow the escort.
Those who decide this will be a better option MUST have accommodations set up & provide their own transportation.