Public Notice
Lottery Licenses
The R.M. of Kelsey and LUD of Cranberry Portage Administration Offices will NO LONGER be issuing lottery licenses.
Please visit the following website if your organization wishes to obtain a license:
We have blue boxes for recycling available at the RM Admin office. Please call to arrange pickup.
Online Payments
Please be advised online payments are processed on the day they are received in the R.M. of Kelsey account, not on the day payment was made.
Please ensure you allow 2-4 business days for online payments to be received by the R.M. of Kelsey as penalty will not be waived for late payment.
Where do we get our water from?
The R.M. of Kelsey receives its water from two wells in the Saskram Lake Area.
Do we treat our water?
At this time we do not do any treatment
Why & how do we disinfect our water?
Disinfection is the selective destruction or inactivation disease causing organisms in the water. The Drinking Water Safety Act and all other supporting regulations require that we disinfect our water before we send it to you our customers, and that we have adequate amount of disinfectant in our distribution system to insure that water is safe consumer’s use.
The disinfection of the water is with Sodium Hypochlorite at a 12% solution.
Are any other chemicals added to the water?
At this time there are no other chemicals added.
How much treated water storage do we have?
The facility has a two cell reservoir that holds up to 300,000 Litres of water each.
What is the distribution system?
It is a network of underground pipes that are used to convey the treated water to our consumers. We carry out regular maintenance of the system to insure that it is working properly.
Is the water tested? What for? When?
Water tests are taken on a regular basis to ensure that the water is safe, to meet the regulatory requirements and to monitor how the facility is performing. The water is tested at the water treatment facility and at various locations throughout the distribution system. All of the testing results are submitted to the Provincial Office of Drinking Water for review.
Disinfectant Testing: We test the chlorine level at the water treatment plant daily (minimum chlorine residual of 0.5 mg/l). We also do chlorine tests on the distribution system on bi-weekly basis (minimum chlorine residual on the distribution system is 0.1 mg/l).
Bacterial Testing: We do 3 bacterial tests bi-weekly, one on the raw water, one on the treated water and one on the distribution water. A positive result may be an indication that disease causing organisms may be present and a retest is required.
What are the results of the tests?
The following table summarizes the disinfection monitoring and reporting for 2020
Regulatory Requirement PWS Performance
A) Free chlorine residual entering the distribution system | 0.5 mg/l 100% |
B) Free chlorine residual in the distribution system | 0.1 mg/l 100% |
The following table summarizes the bacteriological monitoring and reporting regulatory
Requirement PWS Performance
A) Number of raw water samples | 26 | 22 |
B) Number of treated water samples | 26 | 22 |
C) Number of distribution samples | 26 | 22 |
D) Frequency of testing | Bi-weekly | 85% |
E) Total coli form present in water samples | 0 TC per 100 ml | 0% |
F) E.coli present in water samples | 0 Ec per 100 ml | 0% |
Were there any emergencies, regulatory compliance issues or other operational issues to report for 2020?
Yes, the required engineering assessment was submitted in 2020.
Additional Operating License Requirements
A water chemistry was done in 2019 and the results show that all the health parameters were met as per our operating license. Water Chemistries are required every 3 years. Next required Chemistry is 2022.
What does the R.M. have in place to alert Staff to water emergencies?
We have in place an alarm system that phones the operator if there is a high/low water level in the water plant and an emergency phone line is a customer is having a problem with the system.
Who can you call with questions or concerns regarding your potable water?
For general questions during regular business hours, call the R.M. office at 203-623-7474. After hours please use the emergency phone line.
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